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Chinese Dance 中国古典舞身韵@22B Upper Cross St

1 h22b Upper Cross Street

Service Description

Chinese Dance Basic Technique 中国古典舞身韵基础技巧 Classical Chinese dance is an incredibly demanding, refined, and expressive dance form. Alongside ballet, it is also one of the most comprehensive dance systems known to humankind. D.The training in classical Chinese dance has four components: ① “Form” (dance combinations and basic barre practice) ② “Bearing” (expressing specific inner feelings through “form”) ③ Dance technique (training in difficult dance movements) ④ Tumbling technique (primarily training in different types of flips and in foundational skills) Immerse yourself in the beauty and culture of these basic movements. 中国古典舞主要包括身韵、身法和技巧。古典舞蹈非常强调 “形神兼备,身心互融,内外统一”的身韵。身韵遵循的“欲左先右”、“欲上先下”、“欲开先合”等“从反面做起”的运动规则,与“平圆、立圆、八字圆”的“三圆”路线规则,好比是身韵语言的“语法”。这些方面构成了身韵语言的内部结构,加上身韵“形、神、劲、律”的表现方式,使中国舞具有了中国文化特色的舞蹈美学。 中国舞舞蹈技巧练习让你在优美的舞步里体验舞蹈和健身的乐趣。 预约免费试课请whatsapp 96652368 或微信 desertrosesfit

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Contact Details

  • 22b Upper Cross Street, Singapore

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