Promo this month! 本月促销 1288 SGD for 100 Class Pack! (400 SGD off 1688 SGD original price!) Book a free trial class directly on booking page and get email confirmation immediately with directions to studio, no dance or yoga background needed. 直接在免费试课网页定课,立即会获得确认电邮来免费试课 (包含上课指南和路线), 零基础可以学习。如果无法网上预约请 Whatsapp 96652368 or 添加微信 desertrosesfit

"I have lost a few kilos in just two months! What's more, Belly Dance has become my true love! " - Ms. Tan (Belly Dance Fitness Class)
"Your studio really has the best instructors. Wow." - Miss Yulia (INSEAD) (Belly Dance Fitness Class)
"I really enjoyed all the dance classes that I attended n taught by your instructors. They r so patient, friendly n taught in a very enjoyable way. Thru mouth of words, I ve already told my friends n I hope my friends were see for themselves. Jia you n I will definitely support u. "-Miss Linda (Belly Dance Fitness Class and Choreo Class)
"I am voting for you given our great experience with you!" - Mr. Karim (INSEAD) (Belly Dance Performance and workshops)
学习了瑜伽之后,我睡眠质量变好了,人也更精神了。 - 瑜伽会员
学了瑜伽,我的腰酸背痛改善了很多。- 瑜伽会员

Bellydance Fit 燃脂肚皮舞课程

Belly Fit Choreo